Well-versed in the full range of quality assurance services, our testing specialists can examine your software end to end or focus on the aspects you find the most critical.
We will test the entire functional scope of your software against the requirements and estimated performance metrics. Functional tests will verify how well the entire system operates, what results it yields, and which aspects need to be improved.
Our team will evaluate how stable and responsive the software is under normal and extreme workloads. Subjecting your system to an individual set of tests on stress resilience and load endurance, we will assess its compliance with performance criteria and detect scalability limits.
Code2cloud will inspect your software from the target audience’s perspective and determine how intuitive and user-friendly it is. Our team will develop a variety of real-life interaction scenarios and thoroughly reenact them all in order to uncover UX/UI faults and bugs and measure the solution’s fitness for use.
We will overview how well your product fits in with its target environment and whether it is capable of full platform-agnostic operation under varied circumstances. Code2Cloud’s specialists will examine how the software interacts with different types of hardware and software, operating systems and networks, devices and browsers, and will report occurring compatibility glitches.